What are 5 habits that can improve my life?


I want to improve five habits to enhance my life and give a purpose to my life. Happiness, success, health and money are the main factors and play a crucial role in life. The life that you have is a true miracle, look deeply and understand the meaning of life.  Social and Emotional Health are key to a successful life, with valuable lessons to be learned along the way.

In this blog, I am sharing five habits that can improve my life. There are as follows:

·       Socially

·       Emotionally

·       Healthy life

·       For a successful life

·       Life Lessons & Learning


1.    Socially

Being social and kind is good for everyone. Always keep sharing and caring with your loved ones. Being social in the world is different from the social media. Because social is the same word used for the real or digital world. It is understood that knowing the meaning of being social means connecting to those people near you who genuinely care for you.

Social media is a platform to connect with those people whom you know and don’t know but who you want to follow such as actors, sports person, influencers, and more.

Limit your social media- Deactivate your social media accounts from your daily life. Just give it a try for one day and you can feel how much time you wasted on social media. We never realize how valuable time we waste on scrolling reels, so limit your duration to spend on social media. However, if you want to use social media watch valuable or informative content to acquire knowledge.  

Stay away from negative people- Make a distance from those people whom you observe with a negative vibe. You are the painter of your canvas. Don’t allow anyone to paint your life with negative thoughts and vibes.

Say No to People- Stop being available every time for everyone. Being kind and helpful is a very good thing. But what others did they used people for their benefits. So be practical and logical for doing things for others. Start saying no to things that are keeping you anxious. Understand what is important for you and set the boundaries.

Start saying No to people otherwise, they make you fool and take advantage of your kindness. Connect with people who make you feel at home, and make room for those who add to your happiness.

2. Emotionally     

Control emotions- Forgive people is the best way to heal yourself and move on. To let go of things is the best way to grow and heal yourself for any situation. Never hold grudges in your mind, making your thoughts turn negative.

Never think about the past which is gone after all we learn something from our past. Take it as a lesson. And don’t overthink about the future which will affect your present moment. Live in your present, learn, grow and you will succeed in future.

Busy in activity- Always engage yourself in activities, you don’t get time to think about your past. Forget about the things behind you, push yourself towards the path where you can grow and heal.  

3. Stay Healthy

Stay hydrated- Hydrate yourself with plenty of water. Hydrate yourself to remain healthy. Water is essential for life and to hydrate our body and also glowing complexion. If you don’t drink enough water your skin will become dry, uneven and dull.

I set an alarm on my phone to remind me to drink a glass of water every hour. Usually, I don’t drink too much water, I am busy with work so I forgot to drink water. So, one day I was lying on my bed and scrolling through my phone when the idea clicked in my mind to set a reminder who notify me to drink a glass of water.

Thus, the reminder came in handy all the time! If you also face this problem of forgetting to drink enough water throughout the day, you can also set a reminder that will nag you.

Eat healthy- Avoid junk food for a healthy life. It is very harmful to our health and cause disease like Fatty Liver which is not good for our health. Fatty Liver have a grade to describe how much fat is stored in the liver.  

I am not a nutrition expert. But I am trying to promote eating a balanced diet in proper portions. Include a healthy diet plate in your daily routine such as salad, green vegetables, pulses etc.

Get enough sleep- Sleeping early in the night is essential to our body. Yes, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is indeed mandatory for anyone. The whole day your body is continuously working like a machine so it needs fuel to recharge.

When you sleep well you work better, faster and more energetically. You need to get enough sleep which enables you energized and have mental peace in your mind. Sleep is the pillar of a healthy life.

Exercise- Leave your bed early in the morning and go for a jogging. Physical fitness is more important than anything else otherwise, your body becomes fatty and joints are not working properly. It helps to improve your self-esteem and keeps you motivated.

This is very personal, but I feel more focused on my goals. When you are physically or mentally fit only you can gain excel in your career. The more you calm, the more you gain. Just, take a deep breath to eliminate all the negative thoughts outside and inhale the positive energy.


4. For Success Life

Set objectives- Set goals are crucial aspects of your life which define your future. To make your future purposeful, knowing your goal and what you desire is important.

Work hard to gain success until you achieve your goals. Don’t be rushed to opt for things. Firstly, understand or analyze the perspective after that decide what is best for you and especially in which field you want to explore. Knowing your worth and area of interest is very helpful to achieving your goals.

Learn from your failures and always try again and again to increase your knowledge in a particular field. Don’t be disappointed after any failure in your career success or any family problems.

Believe again, dream again, try again, you will fly again, and never lose your patience.

It is a part of life and after the failure try again and again you will succeed in achieving your objective. With each failure, you will learn new experiences.

Reading books- Make habits of reading books which helps to improve your vocabulary.  Reading is a good habit and I recommend reading something regularly. It helps to increase word formation and expand knowledge.


5. Life Lessons & learnings!                                       

Spent quality time- Spend quality time with your family to know each other well and make good memories with them. Sit with your parents and grandparents and listen to their hard work stories to get the living experience. You can take good lessons and ideas from them to motivate yourself. Spending quality time with your loved ones from a busy schedule is priceless and makes them happier.

Develop hobbies- Make some good hobbies which help you to stay focused on creative activities. Hobbies are special forms such as dancing, singing, painting, writing, crafting, cooking and others. You can choose according to your interests and preferences.

Nowadays, people are very creative and active, turning their hobby into a business. Most people after the pandemic started their startups according to their area of interest. Those who like cooking start making reels on Instagram or other social media platforms after getting followers and good views on reels, so they start making videos on a YouTube channel.

From the channels, they get money and fame all over the world. Today, people like many of us become social media influencers through blogging and earning money from social media.

Do adventures- Go on adventure trips to meet new people and know how they experience living in that place.  Explore the new and different places spend a little time with the surroundings and meet the locals to know their tastes, languages, culture, traditions and beliefs.


In conclusion, I improved my five habits of being focused on life and making my life purposeful. You can also adopt these habits to enhance your life and achieve your goals. If you want to excel in your life, you can also adopt these habits to make your life happier than ever before.

Be happy and Be kind!


Have a nice day 😊

Thanks for reading!


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